Greening Greater Racine Logo

Greening Greater Racine is an inclusive environmental movement of people, organizations, businesses, and government leaders working to inspire, educate, and motivate people to take action to make a healthier and sustainable Greater Racine area now and in the future.

The steering committee began forming in 2014. Members have grown which consist of environmental advocates in the Greater Racine area with interest in developing Racine County into a healthier, more sustainable place for people and all organisms to live. The group chose the name “Greening Greater Racine: A Community Initiative.” We hope to engage people and organizations in Racine County, east of the interstate. 

Looking to the future, we would like the large group of Greening Greater Racine to physically meet several times a year. We plan to broaden the core group to include more individuals, grassroots organizations, representatives from schools of all levels, along with more members of municipalities and businesses. We are using The Natural Step as a program and common language to guide us in the process of greening our communities.